Luka and the Fire of Life - Salman Rushdie
Imagine you are Luka, a twelve-year-old boy who has to save the life of the storyteller father you adore. Imagine you have two loyal companions by your side: a bear called Dog who can sing and a dog called Bear who can dance. Imagine you must now embark on a journey through the Magic World to steal the Fire of Life, a seemingly impossible and exceedingly dangerous task...
With Haroun and the Sea of Stories Salman Rushdie proved that he is one of the best contemporary writers of fables, and it proved to be one of his most popular books with readers of all ages. While Haroun was written as a gift for his first son, Luka and the Fire of Life, the story of Haroun's younger brother, is a gift for his second son on his twelfth birthday. Lyrical, rich with word-play, and with the narrative tension of the classic quest stories, this is Salman Rushdie at his very best.